Click on a event or tutorial for more details:
March 9, 2019. Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George B.C.
Making Matters-
February 15 , 2019. School District 47 - Maker Club Workshop: How to Build a Chicken Machine
Fall 2017. Maker Club Playbook - for the BC Ministry of Education Applied Design and Skills Technology curriculum.
Tutorial: Make your own Planetarium!
Design + Making : New Craft Symposium
March 9, 2019. Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George B.C.
Making Matters-Design + Making : New Craft Symposium

How to Build a Chicken Machine
Click here for instructions:
Click here for printout for parts - glue to cardboard and carefully cut out. Print at 100% scale:

Click on the images for lists of tool and parts needed.
Please note- if you are using a kit provided, all of the parts, except for a 1 or 2 liter milk or juice carton, will be supplied pre-cut.

In the fall of 2017, I was asked by Zee Kesler of the Magic Trout Imaginarium to create an automata project which is featured in a manual for trades skills aimed at grade 6 students.
The project integrates BC's new Applied Design and Skills Technology curriculum.
Please click on the following links to download your own copy of the instructions and associated files for printing.
Files are in .pdf format.